Welcome to Burrito Gringo


Burrito Gringo - The Mexican Grill

Burrito Gringo Mexican Grill is your go-to Mexican Grill in Ottawa, where you can dine a hearty meal with your friends and family. Our menu has a wide range of items that are sure to keep you coming back for more! We provide catering services across Ottawa. People have been coming back to our restaurant for our delectable dishes, for over a decade now.

Our Routine

Our Routine

The most essential step in our routine is preparation. Our food is completely handmade, which is why we are up with the sun, dicing cilantro, chopping tomatoes, juicing limes, scooping out avocados, simmering beans, seasoning meats, blending salsas, baking desserts, braising beef and pork, and grilling steak and chicken to perfection.